
Fight PennEast: Register as an Intervenor With FERC

PennEast NJDEP applicationPennEast recently submitted a new application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) asking to split its pipeline project into two phases:

  • The first includes 68 miles of 36-inch pipe, built entirely within Pennsylvania, intended to provide natural gas service by November 2021.
  • The second includes the remaining route in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and has a targeted completion of 2023.

Let FERC know that PennEast’s attempt to amend its application is a blatant subversion of the Natural Gas Act.

If you want to have the ability to legally challenge FERC’s decisions, follow the steps below to register as an intervenor and file a motion with FERC.

How to Register on the FERC website:

  1. First, you must register as a FERC online user. Sign-up for an e-subscription to Docket # CP20-47 here.
  2. Click the orange “register” button and follow the directions to fill out the form. This will give you a FERC I.D. and password (you will need to do this even if you have an e-Filing account). FERC Online will then send an email confirming your registration.
  3. Go to your email inbox and open the message from FERC Online. Click the link to validate your account.

How to file a Motion to Intervene with FERC:

DOCKET NUMBER – CP20-47 – You must use this number to access PennEast.

Note: Always use the “next” button. Do not hit “return.”

  1. Go to the tab for Documents & Filing in the top drop-down menu.
    • Click on e-Filing. 
  2. Click on the log-in button.
  3. After you log-in, click the e-Filing link on the left.
  4. Under Filing Type choose General in the first column.
  5. Click Intervention.
  6. Click (doc-less) Motion to Intervene (choose Motion to Intervene if you want to submit a file.) Click the Next button.
  7. A search form appears. TYPE IN: CP20-47 (Docket number).
  8. A listing for PENNEAST should appear. Click on the blue plus sign in the right column. Click the Next button.
  9. You are now prompted for a Document-less Intervention Description. Click the Next button.
    • Briefly explain why you or your organization want to be an intervenor and how the proposed PennEast project will affect you.
      • For example, homeowners can say that the pipeline would pass through their property. Citizens can say it impacts their communities air, water, and safety.
    • State that no one else can represent your interests and whether you oppose the project.
      • Example message (update what is in italics): I’m a homeowner along the route of the proposed PennEast pipeline. I oppose the project that would pass through my property. No one else can represent my interest. PennEast has submitted a completely new application, not a simple amendment. It is a completely new concept and set of facts that require comprehensive review, including a new evaluation of public need for the project. PennEast has not established public need, meanwhile they continue to seize lands. PennEast’s latest proposal is a subversion of the Natural Gas Act.
  10. Click Individual, or on behalf of another party. Click the Next button.
  11. Specify who should get email notices. Add yourself as a Signer. Click the Next button.
  12. A draft submission description appears. Click the Next button to accept the default or change it.
  13. Click submit.
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