
Act now! Urge FERC to uphold its regulations and block tree cutting

REAE FERC commentsCurrently, construction for the unneeded Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project can’t proceed because the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) regulation prohibits construction when there are requests for rehearings, but the company behind an unneeded natural gas expansion project is trying to change that.

Transco has asked FERC to waive its regulation and issue a Notice to Proceed (NPT) to allow the company to begin felling trees along the pipeline right-of-way. The NTP has not been granted, and we need your help to ensure FERC upholds its regulations and blocks premature tree cutting.

Key points to include in your comment:

If FERC waives its regulations to allow Transco to cut trees and permanently alter the landscape it will:

  • Cause irreparable damage to forests and private landowners,
  • Harm ratepayers who will be forced to pay for gas that we don’t need,
  • Ignore all of the information submitted to FERC in the rehearing requests, motions for clarification and motions for stay.

Urge FERC to protect the public interest and allow the administrative and judicial process to make sure the REAE project can meet the legal standards for construction.

How to Submit a Comment:

  1. Navigate to FERC Online.
  2. Click on e-Comment.  
  3. Fill out the form with the required information.
  4. You’ll receive an email from efiling@ferc.gov with further instructions. 
  5. Click on the link in the email to continue submitting a comment. 
  6. TYPE: CP21-94 (Docket number) into the “Enter Docket Number” search form.
  7. Two listings for Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC should appear. Click on the blue plus signs in the right column.
  8. You can now enter your comments in the “Comment” box using the points above.
  9. Once complete, click Send Comment.


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