
Name That Bobcat

And the winning bobcat name is… Boris! Thank you to everyone who submitted their idea to Name That Bobcat. 

Name That BobcatThe proposed PennEast pipeline route threatens more than human health and safety. It’s also a danger to our preserved lands and the animals that live there, like the bobcat spotted roaming along the proposed route in May. We need your support to stop PennEast before it disrupts our wildlife.

There are many endangered species living on the proposed pipeline route. They need to be protected before they become extinct.

Bobcats have prehistoric roots in North America, and are New Jersey’s last remaining wild cat. Once locally extinct, bobcats were reintroduced to New Jersey by conservationists in the 1980s. Bobcats are extremely shy, hunt small wildlife mostly at night, and pose little threat to humans.

Name That Bobcat

This bobcat was spotted along the proposed PennEast pipeline route in central NJ.

Bobcats can’t survive without untouched lands. Construction of PennEast pipeline would cut through habitat that provides open space for bobcats and other endangered species.

PennEast says it will not survey for bobcats to avoid or minimize impacts on this endangered species. The pipeline would disrupt the land that has been protected for bobcats and other species. With many reported bobcat sightings in the area, we must protect this rare creature from becoming locally extinct once again.


Thank you to everyone who submitted their idea to Name That Bobcat.

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