
FERC Issues DEIS For PennEast; Critical Comment Period Ends Sept. 12

Posted August 1, 2016

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

FERC Issues Draft EIS for PennEast Despite Missing Data, Intense Opposition, Disputed Need for the Project

“Given the thunderous, bi-partisan opposition to the project that has been continuously mounting for the past two years, FERC should have put the DEIS on hold. An Environmental Impact Statement without data on environmental impacts is simply premature,” said Tom Gilbert. Read more.

Opponents Take Issue With PennEast Pipeline Environmental Report

By Greg Wright, NJ.com

Excerpt: “FERC’s issuance of a DEIS for the proposed PennEast pipeline completely undermines the public trust,” Tom Gilbert, Campaign Director for ReThink Energy NJ and New Jersey Conservation said. ” PennEast has not provided data on a host of environmental impacts, so it is impossible for FERC to assess the environmental costs of this project.” Read more.

Now is your time to act to stop PennEast!
We need you to oppose PennEast by: 1. Attending a FERC hearing in New Jersey on August 16 or 17. Submitting a letter to FERC before the September 12 deadline. These are your most critical steps in stopping this massive, unneeded pipeline. Find more details on how you can help here.

In Other Pipeline News


ReThink Energy joined thousands of others in Philadelphia on Sunday, July 24 to support the clean energy revolution. Read more in Philadelphia Magazine, below. And in case you missed it, be sure to check out our ad that ran this week in the Philadelphia Inquirer. 

ReThink Energy NJ Philadelphia Inquirer Ad

Thousands March in Center City Against Fossil Fuels

By Dan McQuade, Philadelphia Magazine

Organizers said 10,000 people marched in the March for a Clean Energy Revolution. It was a peaceful kickoff to a week of DNC protests in Philly. Read more.

In Other Renewable Energy News

By the Numbers

  • 6
    Number of public hearings about PennEast being held by FERC between now and September 12, the deadline for submitting letters to FERC in opposition to PennEast. Find the public hearing schedule here.
  • 48
    Days in the public comment period for the PennEast DEIS, the most critical window for the public to oppose this massive, unneeded pipeline. Learn the two most important ways that you can tell PennEast they’re not welcome in New Jersey: Learn more.
  • 10,000
    Our goal for number of letters submitted to FERC on the PennEast Docket. Find a “How-To” guide to learn how you can submit a letter here.

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