
Newsletter: New Ad Campaign Launches, Expert Analysis Debunks PennEast

Posted March 23, 2016

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

ReThink Energy NJ Launches New Advertising Campaign

rethink energy nj ad

ReThink Energy NJ Ad Campaign Promotes Renewable Energy, Opposes Unneeded Gas Pipelines

Engaging Radio and Print Ads Urge New Jerseyans to say “No” to Polluting Pipelines and “Yes” to Clean Renewable Energy

The fight to stop unneeded pipelines, including PennEast’s proposed natural gas pipeline in New Jersey, has risen to a new level, as ReThink Energy NJ launched a new radio and print advertising campaign across the Garden State urging citizens and decisionmakers to “say no” to unnecessary pipelines and “yes” to renewable energy sources. 

The new series of broadcast and print ads encourage residents across New Jersey to reach out to lawmakers and urge them to take action to stop the proliferation of proposed new pipelines that threaten land, water, and communities throughout the state. The ads also seek to inform New Jersey residents about the importance of a rapid transition to clean, renewable, locally-produced sources of energy, such as solar and wind. Read more.

Listen: ReThink Energy NJ Radio Ads

View and listen to the ReThink Energy NJ ads in print, online and on the radio at a number of news sources including: NJ.com and 101.5

NJ Pipeline News

PennEast Pipeline

Energy Expert Analysis Debunks PennEast Justification for Proposed Pipeline — Only Purpose Is Profit

PennEast’s claims that its proposed pipeline is needed to supply New Jersey with additional natural gas capacity and will reduce gas prices for consumers are not substantiated according to a report conducted for the New Jersey Conservation Foundation by Skipping Stone, a nationally recognized energy consulting firm.  The report concluded that the primary motivation for the project appears to be the potential high return on capital for owners of PennEast. 

Report key findings:

  • Local gas distribution companies in the Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey market have more than enough firm delivery capacity to meet the needs of customers during peak winter periods. 
  • There are alternative ways for providers of gas-fired electric generation to meet their need for electric reliability more cost-effectively by using either natural gas from LNG facilities or dual fuel. 
  • The impact of PennEast may well be to increase, rather than decrease, costs to gas customers. 
  • PennEast claims of potential savings for gas consumers or electric generation customers are based on faulty assumptions and analysis. 
  • FERC should not rely on non-arms-length transactions as a foundation for finding market need. 

Find the Skipping Stone report here.

News stories on PennEast

Pinelands Pipeline Protest

The “Rally for the Pinelands” march* took place on Monday, March 14. Protesters marched down State Street in Trenton to demand that state legislators and state agencies start enforcing and strengthening Pinelands regulations. 

*Sponsored by the Pinelands Preservation Alliance, New Jersey Chapter of the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch NJ, the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions, Environment New Jersey, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, New Jersey Audubon Society, and Stonybrook Millstone Watershed Association.

In Other Pipeline News


New Jersey Senate legislation – S-1707 passes; features 80 percent renewable energy target:

In Other Renewable Energy News

By the Numbers

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, tracks what it calls significant incidents. Those are ones in which someone was injured or killed, or required more than $50,000 to remedy, or caused the release of 5 barrels or more of highly volatile liquids, or led to a fire or explosion. 

  • 318
    Pipeline incidents that occurred in 2015 
  • $312 Million+
    The total cost for the incidents that took place in 2015 

View source here.

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