
Newsletter: Another Pipeline Delay; PennEast Feels the Heat

Posted November 18, 2016

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

Rate Counsel Takes Aim at PennEast, Argues It’s Unneeded

By Tom Johnson, NJ Spotlight 

PennEast trumpets that New Jersey utilities have subscribed to 60 percent of the pipeline’s capacity. But Rate Counsel countered that those same utilities are owners of the project and, in filings to regulators, “make plain that they have sufficient capacity without the new pipeline to meet forecasted load growth.’’ Read more.

In Other Pipeline News

FERC Announces Second Public Comment Period on PennEast

In response to 33 route changes PennEast proposed after the close of the comment period on the draft EIS, the public has until December 5 to comment on the changes and many outstanding problems with the proposed project.  The more comments the better, so please submit your letter to FERC today and help Stop PennEast!


State Not in Line With Residents’ Clean Energy Desires, Poll Says

By Greg Wright, NJ.com

A new FDU PublicMind™ poll says that the state government is not matching the public’s desire to move forward with clean energy initiatives. Read more.

In Other Renewable Energy News

POLL: New Jerseyans Want Clean, Renewable Energy

New Jerseyans very strongly support clean, renewable energy over fossil fuels like gas, want to switch more quickly to those sources, and worry about pipelines. See the poll results here.

Infographic: New Jerseyans Want Clean Energy

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