
Newsletter: PennEast Support Based on Poor Info; Wind, Solar Crushing Fossil Fuels

Posted April 20, 2016

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

PennEast Pipeline Support Based on Poor Information – Letter

Source: LehighValleyLive.com; Opinion by Jeffrey R. Schaffer (Stockton) 

To the editor:

I recently learned that Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo (D-14th), chairman of the General Assembly’s Telecommunications and Utilities Committee, sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in support of the proposed PennEast gas pipeline. 

Unfortunately, the facts on which he bases his support reflect PennEast statements that are misleading, irrelevant and false. I’d like to set the record straight because, the fact is, this pipeline is not needed.

Energy industry expert, Skipping Stone, has concluded that there already exists nearly 50-percent more natural gas capacity than needed to meet even the most severe winters, like the Polar Vortex of 2013-14.

Assemblyman DeAngelo seems unaware that recent FERC rule changes to increase the efficiency of existing pipelines have been effective, so a new pipeline is not needed. The Skipping Stone study also found that consumer costs would likely increase, not decrease as alleged by DeAngelo and PennEast. Read more

In Other Pipeline News


Wind and Solar are Crushing Fossil Fuels

By Tom Randall, Bloomberg

Wind and solar have grown seemingly unstoppable.

While two years of crashing prices for oil, natural gas, and coal triggered dramatic downsizing in those industries, renewables have been thriving. Clean energy investment broke new records in 2015 and is now seeing twice as much global funding as fossil fuels.

One reason is that renewable energy is becoming ever cheaper to produce. Recent solar and wind auctions in Mexico and Morocco ended with winning bids from companies that promised to produce electricity at the cheapest rate, from any source, anywhere in the world, said Michael Liebreich, chairman of the advisory board for Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). Read more   

In Other Renewable Energy News

By the Numbers

Investment in Power Capacity

Investment in Power Capacity

Source: Bloomberg.com – Graph – Investment in Power Capacity, 2008 -2015 Source: BNEF, UNEP 

Installed U.S. Solar Capacity

In a recent Bloomberg.com article, Wind and Solar Are Crushing Fossil Fuels, Bloomberg New Energy Finance shares these additional data on renewables: 

  • 7
    Number of times global electricity produced by solar power doubled since 2000
  • 4
    Number of times wind power produced doubled since 2000
  • 19 percent
    Amount of drop in cost every time global wind power doubles
  • 24 percent
    Amount of drop in cost every time solar power doubles

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