
Newsletter: Pinelands Pipeline Fight Moves to Court

Posted March 3, 2017

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

Pinelands Commission Approves SJ Gas Pipeline — Fight Is Far From Over

On February 24, the Pinelands Commission voted to approve the South Jersey Gas pipeline, which would cut through the Pinelands and violate the Comprehensive Management Plan. Here are the next steps.

WATCH: Public Opposition to South Jersey Gas Pipeline as Pinelands Commission Votes to Approve It

In Other Pipeline News

Action Alert!
Landowners: Learn about your rights when approached by a pipeline company
Attend the “Landowners Forum on the Pilgrim Pipeline” Workshop


Two-Thirds of Americans Give Priority to Developing Alternative Energy Over Fossil Fuels

By The Pew Research Center

A new survey finds that 65% of Americans give priority to developing alternative energy sources, compared with 27% who emphasize expanded fossil fuel production. Read more.

In Other Renewable Energy News

By The Numbers

  • 9 to 5
    Pineland Commission’s vote to approve the South Jersey Gas pipeline through New Jersey’s sacred Pine Barrens. The fight continues.
  • 8
    Number of months until the election of New Jersey’s governor. Urge the candidates to support clean energy. Read more.
  • More than 1 million
    New Jerseyans rely on the water supplies that the PennEast pipeline will run directly under. Read more.

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