A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline.
Submit a letter opposing PennEast. Click here for details on how you can help fight this dangerous, unneeded pipeline.
By Energy Global
Several hundred citizens, affected homeowners, and elected officials came out to oppose the proposed PennEast pipeline at six ‘public meetings’ hosted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The public attended in order to submit comments on a critically important report about the environmental impacts of the proposed PennEast pipeline, only to find that FERC officials would not be listening. Read more.
Opponents of the PennEast pipeline sent a strong message to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at its public hearing in Clinton on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the PennEast Pipeline by refusing to comply with a ‘public participation’ process that cut out both the public and the ability to meaningfully participate. Read more.
By American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
Energy efficiency could become our number-one resource by 2030. Read more