
Newsletter: Watch 3D Flyover of PennEast Route

Posted March 31, 2017

A look at the latest news, facts and figures on fossil fuels, pipelines, renewable energy, energy efficiency and progress on stopping the PennEast pipeline. 

In the News

Booker, Menendez Cite PennEast Concerns in FERC Letter

By Kevin Shea, Times of Trenton

Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez highlighted concerns about PennEast causing arsenic in drinking water, in a letter to FERC. Read more.

Take Action

Tom Blog Unneeded Pipelines

In Other Pipeline News

Upcoming Event

Watch: 3D Flyover of PennEast Route in West Amwell


Trump Budget Would Torpedo Clean Energy Investments

By Chris Mooney, The Washington Post

The Trump administration budget presents a rollback of two main Obama administration objectives: Fighting climate change and stoking a revolution in renewable energy. Read more.

In Other Renewable Energy News

By The Numbers

  • 80%
    Share of renewables needed in the top 20 economies in the world, in order to meet carbon reduction goals. more
  • 30-40
    Activists who protested in Teaneck against a bank funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. more
  • 19 trillion
    The amount global GDP would increase between now and 2050 as a result of increased focus on renewables and energy efficiency. more

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