Click to tweet: “Dear ReThink Energy NJ supporters.” @2TomGilbert reflects on 2018 accomplishments and looks ahead to what we’re planning for 2019.
Dear ReThink Energy NJ supporters,
It’s the dawn of a new year, and as we look ahead, we should also reflect upon how very far we’ve come. In 2018, you helped our statewide campaign accomplish incredible things that will benefit generations to come.
With your support, we worked with our partners to:
You urged the NJ Board of Public Utilities to adopt a strong Energy Master Plan to achieve 100 percent clean energy by 2050, and we provided detailed recommendations to reach that goal. You stood up to unneeded, polluting pipelines like PennEast. The project remained tied up in court, making no progress with agencies like NJ DEP and the Delaware River Basin Commission as the opposition intensified.
Unfortunately, right before the holidays, a federal court granted PennEast eminent domain authority to seize nearly 150 private and preserved lands, despite the fact that the pipeline is far from having all necessary approvals. Your voice will be needed in the New Year to urge NJ DEP and the Delaware River Basin Commission to use their full authority to stop this unneeded, damaging project.
We must build upon last year’s momentum on clean energy to ensure that a strong Energy Master Plan and other policies are adopted in 2019. That will put New Jersey firmly on the path to clean, affordable, efficient, renewable energy that will reduce harmful emissions, create thousands of good jobs, and improve the health and safety of our communities.
I know that together we can and will realize a better energy future for our children, grandchildren, and for the Garden State.
With gratitude for your efforts,
Tom Gilbert
Campaign Director
ReThink Energy NJ