
Your Urgent Action Needed!

Help stop an unneeded pipeline/compressor stationSend a letter (below) urging the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to reject these massive proposed gas projects:

gse-gas-pollutes_for-websiteGarden State Expansion (GSE) compressor station (Burlington county),    and

 Southern Reliability Link (SRL) pipeline (Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean counties)

Why reject GSE and SRL?

  1. They are not needed to meet our region’s gas demands – today or in the future.
  2. They threaten irreplaceable wetlands, the Pinelands National Reserve, and one of the main aquifers that supplies our state’s drinking water.
  3. Consumers would pay more for these unneeded projects.srl-protect-pinelands_for-website

Send the letter to NJDEP below*:

Oppose Letter

Thank you for making your voice heard. Together, we can STOP SRL and GSE!

*Your letter will automatically be sent to Janice Arnett, Division of Land Use, NJDEP Project Manager for SRL and GSE.

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