
Protect the North Jersey Highlands: Help Stop the Tennessee Gas Pipeline

NJDEP stop TNG compressor

The New Jersey Supreme Court revoked the permit for the Tennessee Gas Pipeline’s (TGP) East 300 expansion project in the Highlands Preservation Area of North Jersey. However, in defiance of the court’s decision, Gov. Murphy and state regulators have allowed unpermitted construction while the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is considering reissuing the same invalid permit. This undermines not only the court’s ruling but also the Highlands Preservation Act that is vital for safeguarding New Jersey’s drinking water supplies.

The Highlands, which covers nearly 400,000 acres of land, plays a crucial role in providing clean drinking water to more than half the state’s population. The TGP project’s intrusion into this ecologically sensitive region poses a threat to these resources, as well as to air quality. New Jersey is already grappling with air pollution and its associated health risks, and allowing the expansion to proceed will only exacerbate these problems. It is incumbent upon NJDEP to heed the court’s ruling, halt the illegal construction, and reject any further permits for TGP, thereby protecting the Highlands, drinking water supplies, and the health of the state’s residents.

You can help protect New Jersey from this polluting project.

Send a letter urging NJDEP to reject TGP’s latest permit application and protect New Jersey residents from this dangerous and unnecessary fossil gas expansion project. 

Complete the form below to submit your public comment.*

NJDEP Murphy TGP letter (October 2023)

Thank you for making your voice heard. Share this campaign on Twitter. Together, we can ensure a clean, renewable energy future for New Jersey.

*Your letter will be delivered to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Gov. Murphy.

ReThink Energy NJ is a campaign supporting a rapid transition away from reliance on fossil fuels and unneeded pipelines, to clean, efficient, renewable energy like wind and solar. By submitting your letter, you agree to receive periodic communications from ReThink Energy NJ.

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